Welcome to The Stanway Art Club website

The Stanway Art Club meet up every Wednesday afternoon in two groups, Group A from 1pm to 3pm and Group B from 3pm to 5pm. The meeting schedules are published below.

 Any paintings members of the group complete can be published here for all members to see. Similar in idea to the Gallery PDF file (see in the new Archive Vault on the 'About' page) we created in the summer of 2020 except this is available in a web browser and will be updated from time to time. Anyone who wants to contribute please scan or photograph your work and send it to us at the email address at the bottom of the page. Ideally, scanned images should be 200dpi or over. Also add any text you would like to accompany your work.

Additional content

The first is a page of Latest Arrivals which show any new art work sent in by members. Here you will see thumbnails of the new art which are also links to the relative artists page where the new paintings reside. At this point I would like to remind everyone that they can send in their artwork for publication on this website. The more art content we have, the better.

The second is the 'Archive Vault'. Found at the bottom of the 'About' page, this is an area where I will save files that have previously been featured. At the moment we have our 'Stanway Art Class Gallery' PDF file which first made its appearance in the summer of 2020, a PDF version of the 'Christmas Greetings Cards of 2020' page, the Christmas Greetings Cards of 2021, and just added, the 'Easter Greetings 2022' page. You will be able to open them up to full screen to view.

Art Tuition

We welcome Sarah Smith, our new art teacher who attends approximately once a month, starting from 1pm through to 4pm. There is a £10 per head charge per session for those requiring tutoring. Sarah's next visit will be on the 12th February, 2025.


Hire of The Victory Hall

We have to pay for the hire of the hall which at the moment is £25 for each 4 hour afternoon. That means I have to ask everyone to contribute towards that fee.  To make things less complicated, if you attend up to two meetings in a term, you can pay the standard session charge, but any more than that, I would like you to pay for a full term. If you miss a complete term, then there will be no charge. Having said that, you can see that the fees are not expensive. It does depend on the numbers who attend.

For the time being I am charging £1.50 per 2 hour afternoon session. You can all do the maths so you can see that if all 20 members attend, we will have more than enough to cover our expenses and consequently we will have some over to do with as we decide.

All of our accounts are documented and are viewable upon request.

David Hine